World Spiritual Parliament
the World Spiritual Parliament
The World Spiritual Parliament has been established with
headquarters at New Delhi for inviting the Spiritualists and
their Representatives for joining the Parliament with a view to
discussing different problems and prospects facing the world.
The idea is to locate appropriate solutions for solving the
problems related to peacelessness, insurgency, unemployment,
pollution, population explosion, poverty, religious intolerance
and the faulty educational system.
The Speaker of the World Spiritual Parliament is Dr. Priya
Ranjan Trivedi, the world renowned Philosopher, Scientist and
Thinker (
He may be contacted on the
following address :
Dr. Priya Ranjan Trivedi
World Spiritual Parliament
A 14-15-16, Paryavaran Complex
New Delhi - 110030
Tel. : +91-29533125, Fax : +91-29533514
Email : [email protected]